Grant agreement no. 101121345
Project Information Leaflet
Background information to the study
There is widespread agreement across the academic community that the video gaming plays a substantial role in the process of radicalization. However as yet there is no compelling evidence base to understand how the process takes place, or the best measures to prevent the radicalization process. Games as a Multi-layered Security Threat (GEMS) is an interdisciplinary, mixed-method and cross-sectoral project bringing together academic researchers, AI specialists, policy experts and a range of police authorities from across Europe in order to address this challenge. The main aims of GEMS are to 1) contribute to a scientific advancement of the field of radicalisation and violent extremism by developing a new academic field of sociology of gaming and radicalization; 2) develop tools and trainings for police authorities with aim to disturb recruitment process; 3) to create a new cross-sectoral collaborative network dedicated to countering extremist presence in the gaming ecosystem – European Networks Against Gaming-Related Extremism (ENgaGE); and 4) to develop an effective Citizens Awareness Campaign and evidence-based Policy Solutions which will greatly improve high level decision making, empower citizens and enhance youth protection. Gems overall aim is more secure cyberspace.
You are being invited to take part in this study because you are a person involved in gaming community. Your insights into your community will be invaluable for the researchers.
Before you decide whether or not you wish to participate in the study, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what taking part involves. Please take time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish. Please ask us if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. You can also read more about the project at the GEMS website: https://www.projectgems.eu/.
If you agree to take part in the study, the GEMS research team will arrange an interview with you. There will be no financial or material benefits for you in taking part. However, you may benefit from the opportunity to discuss your experiences in your community and the long term outputs of the research may be of use to you long term.
There should be no disadvantages to you as a result of your participation. As you will read below, your participation will be entirely confidential and all data will be securely, anonymously stored.
Do I have to take part?
It is your choice whether you would like to take part in the study or not. If you do not wish to participate, you do not have to give a reason and you can change your mind at any time. If you decide that you do not wish to be part of the study please contact Dr Maja Halilovic – Pastuovic at halilom@tcd.ie. You can also decide to withdraw from the study later and if you do, all non-anonymized material related to you will be destroyed by the researchers.
What happens if I take part?
With your agreement, I will record our interview. This interview will take approximately one hour and prior to the interview I will provide you with the list of topics we will discuss. The recording of the interview will be typed. The typed transcript will be kept strictly confidential on password protected computer files, and your name or other identifying information will not appear on the transcript.
I want to assure you of the confidentiality of the information you offer. Your name will not be attached to your interview transcript, nor will it appear in any written or computerised document in our possession. In addition, if you give the name of streets, communities, or identifiable details of people or events you might have been involved with, I assure you we will anonymise that information. Your personal data will be destroyed once interview transcripts are anonymised. We will never share your audio files with any third party. Anonymised data may be shared with the scientific community.
It is important you understand that I have an ethical responsibility to report anything you may tell me about ongoing illegal activity, plots that may lead to violence, or current violent perpetration, to law enforcement agencies.
What will happen to the results of this research?
The information from this study may be published in scientific papers and presented in academic conferences. If this is the case, your identity will remain confidential and no one will know that you took part in the study.
What do I do if I have any further questions?
Please ask the researcher that gave you this information sheet. They will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.
Data Protection Information
What is the lawful basis to use my personal data?
We will use the information you provide to us for this research study which is social scientific research1 in the public interest.
What are my rights in relation to your use of my personal data?
You are entitled to:
The right to access to your data and receive a copy of it
The right to restrict or object to processing of your data
The right to object to any further processing of the information we hold about you (except where it is de-identified)
The right to have inaccurate information about you corrected or deleted
The right to receive your data in a portable format and to have it transferred to another data controller
The right to request deletion of your data
You can exercise these rights by contacting PI Maja Halilovic - Pastuovic (halilom@tcd.ie).
Data Controller: Maja Halilovic - Pastuovic HALILOM@tcd.ie
Data Protection: Officer John Eustace EUSTAC@tcd.ie
Consent Form
I confirm I have read and understood the Project Information Leaflet for the above study. The information has been fully explained to me and I have been able to ask questions, all of which have been answered to my satisfaction.
I understand that this study is entirely voluntary and if I decide that I do not want to take part, I can stop taking part in this study at any time without giving a reason.
I understand that I will not be paid for taking part in this study.
I agree to take part in this research study having been fully informed of the risks, benefits and alternatives which are set out in full in the information leaflet which I have been provided with.
I know how to contact the research team if I need to.
I agree to being contacted by researchers by email or phone as part of this research study.
I agree to take part in an audio recorded individual interview/focus group interview as part of this research study.
I understand that any identifiable information about me (personal data), [including the transfer of this personal information about me outside of the EU], will be protected in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
I understand that anonymous information from this study may be shared with third party academics worldwide for research and learning purposes.
I understand that the audio recording of my interview will be retained securely in encrypted format by GEMS for 2 years for use solely by TCD, and then destroyed.