GEMS - Sister Projects
In the context of EU-funded projects, a "sister project" refers to a complementary initiative that is financed under the same or a related EU funding program. These projects often share similar objectives, target groups, or thematic areas, and are designed to mutually enrich each other by exchanging insights, methodologies, and results to enhance their impact and reach within the European Union. Sister projects collaborate to leverage synergies, avoid duplication of efforts, and maximize the efficient use of resources towards achieving their common goals.
A Scalable And Practical Privacy-Preserving Framework (ENCRYPT)
Analysis of and Responses to Extremist Narratives (ARENAS)
COoperative Cyber prOtectiON for modern power grids (COCOON)
Cyber-kinetic attacks using Artificial Intelligence (KINAITICS)
Digital Training Tools in Steel Structure Integrity (ALLIES)
European Knowledge Hub and Policy Testbed for Critical Infrastructure Protection (EU-CIP)
European Network Against Crime and Terrorism (ENACT)
Fight Against Large-scale Corruption and Organised Crime Networks (FALCON)
Innovating Preparedness by Leveraging SYNERGIES and Enhancing Results of DRM Projects (SYNERGIES)
Innovative AppRoach to Urban Security (IcARUS)
Lessen Data Access and Governance Obstacles (LAGO)
PracticE Ecosystem for StandaRdS (PEERS)
Social Media narratives: addressing extremism in middle age (SMIDGE)