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GEMS EPAs Meet in Amsterdam

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At the end of September 2024, representatives from law enforcement agencies involved in the GEMS project—Kosovo Police, Madrid Police, Politie zone Rupel, and Irish Police—gathered in Amsterdam for the second part of the Needs Assessment workshop. This session followed the initial workshop, which took place during the GEMS consortium meeting in Brussels last June.

The Amsterdam workshop focused on reviewing the results of the Needs Assessment from a law enforcement perspective. Discussions centered on how these findings would influence the design and development of the project's training curricula and the implementation of the Watchtower platform. Additionally, participants explored whether existing multi-agency cooperation strategies could be adapted to prevent radicalisation in the online gaming environment.

The Needs Assessment was informed by a comprehensive range of sources, including an online survey and interviews with law enforcement officials from 17 European countries. Input was also gathered from EPAs in other similar projects, and the International Police Association (IPA) assisted in connecting with respondents. Further insights were gained through discussions with law enforcement officials at various conferences and meetings, as well as feedback from the project's advisory board.

All law enforcement agency members of the consortium attended the workshop in person, while the advisory board participated virtually (Bastian Dikker), ensuring a comprehensive exchange of ideas.

A detailed Needs Assessment report, summarising the outcomes of the assessment and the workshops, will be published in the near future.

Report by:

Rob Out

WP3 Leader AGSKK

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